Optical limiting phenomenon study in oils of vegetable origin

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O. Marbello O.
S. Valbuena D.
F. J. Racedo N.


The optical limiting effect was analyzed in two oils of vegetable origin, extra virgin olive oil and virgin avocado oil; which are materials that have a large amount of organic components and excellent physicochemical characteristics. In multiple works, organic materials have been shown to be effective as optical limiting devices, presenting a good response in materials that show two-photon absorption and saturable absorption. On the other hand, between the two configurations in which the optical limiting phenomenon can be analyzed (dispersion and transmission), the optical limiting study by transmission was carried out for both oils, where olive oil manifested a more limited region wide compared to avocado oil. Nevertheless, avocado oil showed saturation power and a lower limiting threshold. Important characteristics in the manufacture and search for materials used in optical limitation devices.

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How to Cite
O., O. M., D., S. V., & N., F. J. R. (2020). Optical limiting phenomenon study in oils of vegetable origin. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 18(6), 333–340. https://doi.org/10.22201/icat.24486736e.2020.18.6.1345
Author Biographies

O. Marbello O.

Grupo de Espectroscopía Óptica de Emisión y Láser (GEOEL), Universidad del Atlántico,
Puerto Colombia, Atlántico, Colombia

S. Valbuena D.

Programa de licenciatura en matemáticas Grupo GIMED, Universidad del Atlántico,
Puerto Colombia, Atlántico, Colombia

F. J. Racedo N.

Grupo de Espectroscopía Óptica de Emisión y Láser (GEOEL), Universidad del Atlántico,
Puerto Colombia, Atlántico, Colombia